Condition: You are a ward of the court (not including status as an inmate).
Documentation: Copy of a court order making you a ward of the court or appointing a guardian other than your parents.
Condition: You are receiving public assistance under your own budget (not as a dependent of your parents).
Documentation: Budget statement or other documentation from a social service official showing receipt of public assistance (other than food stamps or unemployment insurance).
Note: Housing Assistance/Budget Letter must be in the student’s name.
Condition: There has been an involuntary dissolution of your family, resulting in the relinquishment of your parents’ responsibility and control.
Documentation: A sworn, signed statement from a third party (such as clergy, social worker, legal aid representative, or official at the institution responsible for your care) describing your family circumstances. This statement should include reasons for the relinquishment of parental responsibility (e.g., abandonment, abuse, or parental non-citizen status), your relationship to the person making the statement, and how they have direct knowledge of your situation.
Condition: Both parents are deceased
Documentation: Copies of death certificates for both parents.
Condition: Both parents have been certified as having a total and permanent disability or declared incompetent by judicial action
Documentation: Medical certification and court orders for both parents.