2025-26 College Data Survey Now Available on HESCWeb
The survey is used to collect your school's term and cost information used for calculating New York State grant and scholarship awards; including the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). The survey must be completed by May 31, 2025.
Accessing the College Data Survey
This survey may only be updated by staff members with TAP-Certifying Officer access on HESCweb. TAP-Certifying Officers must view the data displayed on the survey and update the information as needed by going to HESC’s Secure Transaction Processing and logging into the Grants and Scholarships area. The College Data Survey can be found by clicking on the “College” tab and select either “View/Update College Data or List College Codes by Federal Code.”
Updating Term Information
Term Tuition and Start/End Dates This information is required for calculating awards and processing payments. It is important that this information be provided accurately by the survey deadline, as it is crucial to award determinations and payments. Incorrect tuition or dates could affect award calculations and payments to your institution.
- If awards for accelerated summer study are available, report tuition charged for "half-time" attendance.
- Schools set up on a semester basis must have terms that are at least 15 weeks in duration; Schools set up on a trimester/quarter basis must have terms that are at least 10 weeks in duration.
- Failure to meet these requirements may affect a school's eligibility for NYS financial aid. Questions regarding term length should be directed to the New York State Education Department's Office of College and University Evaluation.
Mandatory Fees, Room & Board Allowance and Cost of Attendance This information is used to calculate or estimate scholarship awards that are not based upon tuition. Enter the appropriate information as follows:
- Mandatory Fees - Average fees charged to all students.
- Room and Board Allowance - Average cost of room and board charged by the college for a typical student. (If no student housing, leave blank.)
- Cost of Attendance - Use Title IV cost of attendance.
- Term Add/Drop Dates- This is required for the APTS Program. As with term start dates, the accuracy of this data is crucial to APTS processing.
Registered Business Schools
The total program tuition at registered business schools must be prorated by term. For example, if the total program tuition is $6,000 and it takes four terms to complete the program, the term tuition is $1,500 ($6,000 divided by four). Registered business schools must submit a copy of their enrollment agreements for all TAP-eligible programs and a document listing all start and end dates for terms with multiple start dates. The enrollment agreements must indicate the term length or term structure. Total program tuition and term tuition should also be stated on the enrollment agreements.
Updating School Contact Information
Contact information may be updated by TAP Certifying Officers at any time when staff changes occur, except for CEO or College president data. HESC strongly encourages TAP Certifying Officers to review their school's contact information and submit changes - especially email addresses - for all staff. This information is particularly important for APTS Coordinators as HESC will be sending automatic notifications of processing deadlines to the email address listed for them. Send your request for changes to CEO or college president data to [email protected]. Important: Please remember to notify HESC when staff are no longer authorized to access your college or student data on HESCWeb.
Post Deadline Updates & Support
Term and cost information must be submitted via the web by the survey deadline indicated above. If changes to college information are needed after the deadline, TAP Certifying Officers should send a request via email to HESC at [email protected]. This address may also be used to address any questions concerning the College Data Survey process. Questions not related to the college survey can be sent to HESC’s Priority Services team at [email protected].
Please note, the email addresses listed above are for professional use only. They are not intended to be shared with students and parents for support with their inquiries. Students and parents looking to contact HESC must schedule an appointment.