Part-time students attending State University of New York (SUNY), (includes statutory colleges and community colleges), City University of New York (CUNY), or not-for- profit independent degree granting colleges in New York State who were first-time, full-time freshmen in 2006-07 or thereafter may be certified as eligible for Part-time TAP (PT-TAP) beginning in 2007-08. 

A student must:

  • be a first-time freshman in the 2006-07 academic year or thereafter;
  • have a minimum cumulative "C" average;
  • be taking at least six (6), but fewer than twelve (12) credits per semester (at least four (4), but fewer than eight (8) credits per trimester/quarter).

In addition, the student must meet all other TAP eligibility requirements. 

Students appearing on a TAP Payment Roster are calculated with a full-time TAP award. PT-TAP awards are recalculated after a school identifies part-time students when certifying its roster.

Full-time TAP Awards placed on a TAP Payment Roster certified for PT-TAP must meet the same eligibility requirements as a full-time TAP award. For detailed eligibility and certification instructions refer to Chapter 5: Certification Procedures.

Certification via HescWeb
The HescWeb screens for STUDENT RECORD MAINTENANCE, VIEW/SUBMIT PENDING CERTIFICATION, and VIEW/ CORRECT STUDENT CERTIFICATION have been modified to allow the reporting of the number of credits for part-time study. The Enrollment Status field drop down list provides valid credits 

The full-time tuition on the roster must be changed to reflect the student’s actual tuition liability when certifying PT-TAP awards or when recertifying a student previously certified as part-time. The PT-TAP award is calculated using the student's part-time tuition charge and the number of credits.

  • Enter the actual part-time tuition in the Tuition field.
  • Enter the number of credits taken in the ENROLLMENT STATUS field. Half credits should be rounded down.

Certification via File Transfer (using HESC’s EFAN layout available on HescWeb):

  • Enter the actual tuition liability in the TUITION field (35/6,2)
  • Enter the number of credits in the Enrollment Status field (33/2). Valid entries for semester schools: 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, and 11. Valid entries for trimester/quarter schools: 04, 05, 06, and 07.

Certification Codes
Certification codes 1 through 3 are valid codes used when certifying a part-time award. Do not use certification code 5 (Not full-time), as it is a decertification code and will not result in an award.

Once certification is submitted, HESC will calculate the PT-TAP award based on the reported credits and the student’s actual tuition liability. The Remittance Advice and Student Status List will reflect the new award. 

A PT-TAP award cannot exceed tuition charges.

Semester Schools
Partial payment will be made for students taking 6-11 credits as indicated in the charts below:

Points Accrual for Part-time TAP Payments - Semester Schools
CreditsPercent of Full AwardPoints Accrued


Trimester Schools
Partial payment will be made for students taking 4-7 credits as shown below:

Points Accrual for Part-time TAP Payments - Trimester Schools
CreditsPercent of Full AwardPoints Accrued


For questions regarding information included in Appendix M, please email [email protected].