Registered Program

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Registered Program

To be eligible for State student financial aid, Education Law specifies that a student must be matriculated in an approved program. An approved program is one that the State Education Department has reviewed, found to be in compliance with the standards for program registration set forth in theRegulations of the Commissioner of Education

Section 145-2.3(b) of the Regulations lists the types of programs that are approved for general and academic performance awards: collegiate level degree programs and certificate and diploma programs creditable toward a degree; noncollegiate hospital programs of professional nursing; and noncollegiate, two-year programs of at least 1440 instructional hours’ duration offered by registered private business schools.

The Department maintains an Inventory of Registered Programs, available on the Department’s web site, which lists every approved program by institution. The Inventory is also searchable by subject matter category and by level of program (below the baccalaureate and baccalaureate and higher).

When certifying students for State financial aid, institutions should assure that the record of their approved programs in the State Education Department’s Inventory is consistent with the programs offered and described in the catalog. Any discrepancies should be resolved with the Department to preclude any possible issues upon audit.

See also...

Approved Program
Inventory of Registered Programs

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